More and More
Technically, my first gig as an extra was in 1999 when I was in Jordan’s video. I was kinda in Joe’s video, too. But while I was accidentally in frame, I was hiding behind a tree. (I didn’t know they were rolling until it was too late!)
Anyway, since I’d only met Joe and Jordan and Jen had only met Joe, Jordan and Donnie, we’d figured we were still immortal since we couldn’t die until we’d met all the New Kids.
Silly, yeah, but we were fifteen when we’d made the pact. It doesn’t have to make complete sense in order to work.
Now, here we are in 2008, still following the New Kids’ whereabouts, although nowhere near as vigilant as we used to be. But then they got back together. We had opportunities to meet them. Really meet them. How awesome would it be? So awesome, I couldn’t wait to get us tickets. That was months ago. There was still a lot of distance between getting the tickets and actually being at the shows.
In fact, it took months before it actually sank in that we would meet the New Kids and thereby lose our immortality. Hmmm…
“Maybe we should back out.”
“No, we need to go. If only for our inner 15-year-olds.”
“It’s too incredible. I don’t think I could handle it.”
“We’ll be fine. How many celebrities have we met in the last decade?”
“But none of them were all five New Kids in the same room.”
“You’re right. What if we make asses of ourselves?”
“Let’s not go.”
“But we already have the tickets.”
“And we really wanna see the concerts. They’re awesome in concert.”
“Yeah, they are. I guess we have to go, then.”
“Do you really think there was any way that we wouldn’t go?”
“No, but that doesn’t stop the dread, the nerves, the fears.”
“And once we’ve met them, we can die.”
“That’s scary enough.”
This went on the whole week before the first two concerts. I stressed over what to wear. I still have my New Kids T-shirts and the jacket I’d put 250-hours-worth of rhinestones and chains on back in the day (Yes, it’s partially the New Kids’ fault that I’m so into sewing and beads.) but I wanted to wear something else. Something fun, yet casual. I settled on a funky pair of jeans, red ankle boots and a cute little slitted, low-cut top that tied in front. It was technically from back in the day, but I got it at a thrift store about a decade ago so it had never been to a New Kids concert with me.
I felt okay in that outfit, but that was all I was okay with. Our whole journey to the venue was spent in fear, lamenting, prepping for embarrassment or whatever other horrors should find us the moment our immortality was lost and we were in the same room with all five New Kids and actually–*gasp*–meeting them.
All in all, neither of us fell apart. I know I was awkward at times, but all that faded away when Jordan looked at me appreciatively and said, “Damn girl, you’re really workin’ that top.” (Special thanks to Jen for hearing him completely because I was lost in shock at “Damn girl” and didn’t hear the rest.) Basically, we’d survived…and gotten inspired, too.
And did I mention that technically, I was still immortal?
Jen had met them all that night, but me…well, something funny happened.
When I walked in, I was greeted by Danny. By the time we were done, I was about to go to Donnie, but my friend Gina was already headed for him, in fact she cut me off to get to him!
But that was totally okay. Over the last decade, she’d regaled us with story upon story of all the times she’d met all the guys–even Jonathan while innocently walking around Manhattan–except Donnie. Somehow, one way or another, she just never quite got to Donnie.
So when Donnie wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, I was in heaven with the joy I was witnessing and figured that I’d get back to Donnie later. It wasn’t until I was out of the room that I’d realized I’d missed him.
My big chance and it completely passed me by. Oops. Jen made fun of me while I consoled myself with the fact that I still had three more chances, so therefore the odds were damn good that I wouldn’t screw up again.
In fact, since Jordan had slid me that compliment on my clothing and Jen had heard it, too, it was decided that since our next show was in Las Vegas, Commando Barbie absolutely needed to be in attendance. She has her shit together even though I don’t. She’s met celebrities. She even had her picture taken for Hustler. I may be a complete dork, but Commando Barbie, well, she wouldn’t screw up… Or would she?
A Little About Beginnings
Now that I’ve done over a hundred shows, it’s fun for me to look through all my Tales and reminisce. But there’s one in particular that I’ll never forget. And it’s not because of the show, it’s because of what happened when I was walking to the stage. West Wing.
That was one of the times it hit me the hardest that just walking on the lot was a dream come true. I’ve had a lot of mini adventures getting to and from locations on studio lots and elsewhere in LA, but that particular day was beautiful. I can still recall it with such amazing clarity. There was nothing special about the day, the show, or anything else. It was just the experience of being there.
Just. Being. There.
Would you believe that my best friend Jen and I practically dreaded meeting the New Kids our first time? You’d think we’d’ve seen it as a dream come true and been anxious for the day, the moment to finally arrive when we would be in the same room with all five guys.
We’d met Joe and Jordan when they were solo. She’d met Donnie at one of Joe’s concerts (through a strange twist of fate, I grabbed his ass in the very crowded VIP section at that same concert, but didn’t actually meet him). I’d only seen him on the set of Purgatory before that concert, before I was an extra, too…back when I was a manufacturer’s rep for lighting filters. Yeah, I’d gone through a lot of trouble not only to track down what he was working on, but find out who was doing the lighting. Cross-referencing a few sources and making a few phone calls, I found out when and where they were shooting some location stuff.
Granted, it was my job to know who was shooting what and what filters they had on their lights, but that had nothing to do with my reasons for trying to catch up with this particular show. I wanted to meet Donnie. I worked my ass off sweet talking various people and having a good time. While there, I saw hide nor hair of Donnie Wahlberg. I was disappointed, but since I’d made a new friend in the gaffer, I made sure to get invited back… Okay, so doling out swag was part of my job, not a bribe, I swear it.
Then in an attempt to match Jen’s future magical meeting of Donnie, I–unfortunately as fangirl–finally got my chance.
And blew it.
I couldn’t even squeak out a hello. All I did was smile. Donnie looked at me like I was deranged and I turned and kept on walking before any words could be exchanged, already having embarrassed myself enough for the day, the week, the millennium before I’d even started.
Luckily, our little interlude had a good twenty feet of aesthetic distance. I was safe. He’d never remember me.
But that did not mollify my fears during 2008. Jen is usually the better-spoken of us. I just hide behind her because I’m too shy and far too afraid of actually saying something unless I’m answering a question or agreeing with something that was said. Yeah, it sucks to be shy sometimes, but whatever. That’s me and I’ve learned to be okay with it. But when Jen says she’s afraid, she’s worried that her inner-15-year-old fangirl is gonna wreck the moment, I’m scared. I’m terrified.
We were utterly terrified to be meeting the New Kids even after all these years. We reminded ourselves that we’re adults and should act as such, but good golly that wasn’t helping when all we could think about were all those near-misses back in the day which lead to big disappointments. We only barely had our shit together when Joe and Jordan were touring solo.
[Funny I should mention that… The way I got onto the Purgatory set was the same way I got onto the set of Joe’s first video, Stay The Same…and the same way I got onto the set of Jordan’s first video, Give It To You–except it was all actually a little harder. And being shy, but still adventurous, I actually weaseled my way into Jordan’s video because the director had wished he’d hired more extras. So yeah, I took advantage of that opportunity and I’m behind the professional dancers, in a dark green shirt and I’ve got a light green balloon in my hand as I try not to look frozen while shaking my thang to the music.]
[You’d think Jen or at least myself would be totally okay in a room with the New Kids by now given all the adventures. You’d think we’d be looking forward to it and so excited to finally see them all.]
Did I mention that when we were fifteen, we’d also made a pact?
Yeah, we couldn’t die until we’d both met the New Kids.
But then they broke up in 1994 and we were kind of enjoying the immortality after awhile. It seemed more like as long as the New Kids were alive and we hadn’t met them all, we simply could not die. Not that we tested that theory, but we sure did feel like we’d be in for a very long life…that is unless we were somehow able to meet all the New Kids.
My Inner 15-year-old
Okay, so I’ve already come out of the closet and admitted that I’m a New Kids on the Block fan. Usually when I say that, jaws drop, confusion sets in, sideways looks are tossed toward me followed by, “What?” or “No way…”
Generally, my admission shatters people’s image of me. Well, sorry about that, but it’s the absolute truth. I’m fangirl for very few Hollywood personalities…well, hmmm…make that none others. Sure, there are a few people I’d love to be in the same room with, but for the most part, I don’t swoon or blush while around them. I’m capable of being an adult and perhaps even having an intelligent conversation with those whose work I admire.
My limited fangirl-ness has to do with the way my life is structured…or more accurately, how it unfolded.
The part of my life before I moved to LA in 1996 is when fangirl was alive and well. If the Hollywood-type came into my life after 1996, there’s no swoon. Before I moved, fangirl was, well, a fanatic and she didn’t get out much.
See, as a girl, I never imagined I’d come to LA. I never imagined I’d walk on a studio lot for reasons other than a tour. I never, ever in a million years imagined I’d actually work on a movie or television show. Really. Like, I still grin whenever I read the name of the production on my paychecks for background acting. Yeah, my inner 15-year-old still goes crazy. She had stars in her eyes and big dreams that she never imagined would come true.
Whenever I’m on the 101 heading south and I see the Capitol Records building and the rest of Hollywood, I grin. And when I see Downtown, I always thank my lucky stars that I made it to LA. That somehow, this little girl went somewhere. Where it is that I went still remains to be seen, but then again, I will be seen in movies and television shows for years and years to come–maybe even after I’ve died. I doubt I’ll be remembered by name unless this blog stays up somewhere, but that’s not the point. The point is that I was there and for that I’m so thrilled.
So, when I say that I’m a New Kids on the Block fan, I really mean it. I’m fangirl. When I’m in a room with the guys, my heart beats a million times a minute. I get weak in the knees. All that crazy stuff. And since I’m only fangirl for them, I can put all my focus, all my energy into it.
This past October and November I was lucky enough to get tickets and Meet & Greet passes for 4 shows. Yeah, four. That ties a record from back-in-the-day as well. 1 in 1989, 2 in 1990, 4 in 1991 and 2 in 1994. (And back in the day, that meant saving allowance, extra chores and begging parents to drive us to the shows…I dunno how we did it. I only drove myself to my last show.) Anyhow, because my situation has changed, I figured I’d make up for all the lost time, all the near-misses, by going to as many shows as I could. Yeah, 9 concerts in 5 years and I still hadn’t met the guys. WTF?
Can we say karma in action? Hell yeah.
Come with me on this little journey. I’ll try not to be long-winded, but my inner 15-year-old is going to ramble and I just can’t help it.
Queen Mary addendum
I got Denise’s permission to post our non-paranormal adventure during lunch on the Queen Mary. Enjoy!
Queen Mary
So, earlier this year a friend of mine wanted to go to an event on the Queen Mary, but didn’t want to go on it herself. She said, “Hey Lisa, you’re into ghosts, right? Wanna go with me to this thing?” Me, being unafraid of both ghosts and adventure said, “Hell yeah!” and we went.
Little did I know it’d be a life-altering event.
This pic was from the first night. Before all the discussions, investigation, just about everything. I had no idea that being there on that ship for this little paranormal convention was going to change my life…
Well, not really change it. I’ve always believed in ghosts. (Click here to read the whole paranormal category including my personal ghost experiences up to now.) I’d just never really done anything with my sensitivity/sixth sense other than ignore it or play with it. I’d never pursued using it to help others.
So energized and excited about the paranormal field after that event in February, I got on myspace and started friending all the people I’d met at the event and blogging my experiences. One thing led to another and I was invited to join the TAPS West Coast Home Team.
That has certainly changed my life. I made a bunch of new friends all in one shot and not only are they friends, they understand when I say that I can sense ghosts! They probably do think I’m crazy from time to time, but for the most part they understand and that’s good enough by me. I’m weird enough as it is… I understand when I’m considered too weird.
Getting involved in the paranormal field has made a difference in my life and I hope it makes a difference in others’ lives as well. I don’t want anyone to be afraid of ghosts. There’s really nothing to fear. I’ve met some of the most interesting people alive or dead because of my interest in the paranormal.
Back to Denise, who dragged me to that first event on the Queen Mary back in February… She had no idea that within a year I’d not only get re-energized about the paranormal, but also become an investigator, let alone a TAPS member. No idea. But the moment I saw Grant, I had to get another picture with him and Denise because it’s her fault that all this happened in the first place.
We didn’t get a picture with Jason for some reason. Oh well. There will definitely be a next time.
My time at the Stanley Hotel
For all intents and purposes, this was a vacation. It was not my usual kind of vacation because I really love to go and see and do when I’m on vacation. This was more for my husband. He likes to go somewhere and do nothing. Well, he did write a significant chunk of his novel on this trip. Got it out of the starting gate with a huge bang, I might add. Me, well, I had fun for a few days and was bored for a few more.
Anyhow, back in February, I’d gone to a paranormal event on the Queen Mary (which I’ll post about in the coming days) and afterward, I was hooked. I wanted to do more, so I booked the event at the Stanley hotel almost immediately. I figured that since it was so far in the future, I couldn’t turn back if I already had the tickets. I couldn’t weasel out somehow and neither could my husband. We would have to go.
And go we most definitely did.
That place is crazy with activity. It really is. I was astonished. But mainly, what I wanted to do was meet Jason and Grant now that I was part of their extended team. I’m a TAPS West Coast Home Team member and loving every minute of it, so meeting them again on those terms was so awesome.
I truly enjoyed being there, listening to all the discussions and meeting new friends.
It was also my husband’s first event. Being a photographer, he even got a few action shots during the day between investigations and discussions. It’s just hard for me not to be investigating when I’m in an area where everyone knows what I’m doing and not just talking to myself or recording thin air.
It definitely helps the photographs that the Stanley hotel is so darn gorgeous. I can’t wait to go back, but I know it’ll be awhile.
Busy again…
I’d really hoped to get caught up on my blog posts including finally meeting Jason and Grant at the Stanley Hotel now that I’m a TAPS West Coast Home Team member. Last time I met them was great, but this time was different and I do want to share that as well as a lot of the other stuff I’ve been up to: A few more New Kids on the Block concerts, more designing and sewing and a few other miscellaneous bits.
One of the reasons I fell behind is because my best friend’s house burned down and I’ve been helping him salvage the place.
I saw Changeling and saw myself in it! Yay! I heard that I was seen in the Starter Wife, but I haven’t seen it yet. I also heard that I was in Raising the Bar. I’ve only seen one of the two episodes I was in, though. It’s so rare that I actually get visible screen time, so to be seen in so much in such a short time is great. I can’t wait to grab screen captures to add to my collection.
On this happy thanksgiving, I’m very thankful for everything and everyone directly and indirectly in my life. All my experiences with those people have made me who I am and given me such a wonderful life so far and it seems to be getting impossibly better each day. Thank you.
I hope February 2009 comes soon
Don’t ask me why, but for some reason today, I was reminiscing about my trips through England and I remembered a certain town we’d driven by, but did not stop. It had one peculiar, somewhat defining feature: the church steeple was crooked.
A quick Google search served up a link to where I determined that yes, that must’ve been the town. We’d driven through that area only once and at the time, I didn’t see a sign bearing the town name…or at least if there was one, I didn’t see it. We drove by the outskirts on our way to a castle, no doubt. Although, I don’t believe we’ve been to the castle nearby at Ludlow, so I honestly don’t remember where we were headed.
Anyhow, on their “Filmed in South Shropshire” page, I found the following trailer and love it. I love British movies, castles, re-enactments (although I’m not active), all that stuff, so I really can’t wait until February 2009 for this movie to come out… Enjoy Faintheart!
Whooops! Got a little busy, I guess…
I have not forsaken my blog. I’m actually brewing up a couple new ventures that I’ll share within the coming weeks, I promise.
I went to a couple of New Kids on the Block concerts last week and I’m still reeling. It was never this good back in the day. I’ve now been to 12 NKOTB concerts, not including 7 or 8 miscellaneous Joe McIntyre and Jordan Knight solo concerts and I don’t remember it ever being this awesome. I mean, really. I’m still singin’ and dancin’ in my car while listening to The Block. These memories will last a lifetime I’m sure.
And yes, you read that twitter correctly… I wrapped my legs around Donnie Wahlberg. It just seemed like the thing to do at the time. I mean, he hugged me like he wasn’t gonna let go and lifted me way up in the air. Rather than let my legs dangle, I was…ummm…a little more creative! I’ll be seeing him and the rest of the guys again at the end of November. I can’t even begin to imagine the hi jinx.
In the coming weeks, I hope to post some pics of the concerts and my fandom through the years. To kick it off, here’s a couple shots of my room when I was about fifteen or so.
When all was said and done I had more than 3,000 pictures on my walls and ceiling. Notice those posters in the first one? They’re hiding my window. Notice the ceiling fan to the right in the second one? It had a few pictures on it, too. I was pretty hardcore back then and these pics were taken before my whole room was complete. As you can see, there’s some empty space up there on my ceiling, but that didn’t last much longer than when this shot was taken.
I’m a little more subdued now. A little… It’s getting harder and harder to resist, though, now that they’re back and I have concert images from the shows I went to.
Life is a series of adventures and the wildest, craziest ones I’ve been on have had something to do with the New Kids one way or another, so why give up now?
Happy Monday!
Just as I was silly on Friday, so shall I be today… except the pic isn’t as funny.
Back in February or so, my husband had brought home the office still camera so that I could use it for a few things. Well, I used it, downloaded all the images to a folder and forgot about it.
…Until the other day when I started wondering whatever happened to those pictures I’d taken…
Just finding the folder was an adventure and once I got it open, I found about ten extraneous images that I’m guessing my husband must’ve snapped because I certainly didn’t remember them. The following is the pick of the bunch:
This is one of my five turtles. We named him Barge because when we first put him in the tank, he just sort of floated there while the other turtles smacked into him, wondering if he was friend or food. Eventually, he started swimming and frolicking as all turtles are wont to do, but it was too late. The name had stuck.