Interviewed Me!
Every time I do one of these interviews, I proofread and am amazed at how wacky I am. I’ve got my hand in so many different things all at the same time, but it never feels that way while I’m doing everything, only when I take a step back.
So read up and enjoy…
And should you need some really smooth, really silky soap that won’t irritate your skin, go here and enjoy!
Shifting Gears
Wow. I titled this post “shifting gears” and I’m not even gonna mention car stuff. What is this world coming to?
Anyhow, I just wanted to post about how I’m adding to my plate… I’m making stuff.
How is this different from normal?
I’m selling it, too.
Yeah, that’s why the big banner across the top. I have simply got to clean out my sewing room. It’s bad in there. I love my mess, but if I don’t make a bunch of stuff or sell off what I have, I don’t have the room to collect more and my need to hunt and gather and build is stronger than my need to store.
See how bad it has gotten:
Every nook and cranny from floor to ceiling is full. Under the table: full. Drawers: full. Closet: full. And yes, see those spools of thread on the right near the center of the picture?: Floor to ceiling, every peg is full and there are a few in between just resting on their neighbors. And each spool is a different color. I put the duplicates in a separate box hidden under the counter.
I’ve opened two stores. One as RinaSlayter at Etsy. And one as TwilightsFancy at ArtFire. Why two names? Because I didn’t think I was really gonna be in this for the long haul. I was gonna off a few things and be done with it. But now I’m addicted.
Plus, those of you who might remember my Twilight’s Fancy necklaces…well, they’re coming back. I am still gearing up to get those listed. They take a little more time than some of my other stuff, but they’re worth the wait. Good ol’ Twyla from theĀ Talisman Bay Series by Ashleigh Raine is still making necklaces. Oh hell yes, she is.
In fact, right now, she’s making ribbon choker necklaces with some of her beads (all those trays next to the thread spools). I swear she’s addicted.
I’m also making purses. A few months back, Jen calls me up because she was heading to my place so that we could go to a New Kids on the Block concert. I was making a bunch of noise in the background:
Jen: What is all that noise?
Me: I’m making purses for us to take to the show tonight.
Jen: You’re making purses. Okay.
Me: Yeah, it takes you about an hour to get here, I needed a purse for tonight, so while you’re on your way, I’m gonna make ones for both of us just ’cause I can.
Jen: Oooooookay. (She understands and doesn’t think this is strange in the slightest, of course.)
Me: Yeah, when you get here you can decide which one you want because they both go with what I’m wearing.
Jen: Sure. See you in an hour.
I’m still using that purse I made. It’s one of my primaries. I love it to pieces. So simple, yet so handy. I’ve made a whole bunch more using that same pattern, different material and different trim.
I’m gonna go see what else I can build. Today being a Friday, I’m trying to spice things up a little. So far, the grassy green tea has helped, but I need to build something. I’m itchin’ to make another signature Twilight’s Fancy necklace…the beaded kind with more than three dangles. Yeah, one of those.
Forgot about these…
This new year is off to a great start. I am 98% done cleaning out my sewing room. I’ve never seen so much carpet on the floor in there! That last 2% of clutter to be organized is gonna take a little while. I’ve come to the conclusion that I have far, far more ribbon than I’d initially thought I had…which means it’s gonna take that much longer to spool up. Oh well. It’ll be done soon and I’m gonna take some pictures because no one will believe that the room was ever so tidy.
Hey, I was taught that a creative mess is better than tidy idleness.
Okay, okay, so a “mess” does not mean tornado carnage, but still. I love to do what I do and I especially love that I have a room dedicated to it. I swear I’m one of the luckiest girls on the planet.
Today, I was going through some pictures in preparation for posting the unfortunate adventure I was on during the latter part of November and early December and discovered a few images from the night before everything went way wrong.
This is me:
And I love to make shortbread cookies…by hand.
Hey, I do what I gotta do in order to get the job done!
I dunno. Those were just such a surprise to find with what I’ll be posting about in the coming days.
See, the bad adventure wasn’t my own. Meet my best friend, Eddie:
He’s the kind of guy who’ll go anywhere, do anything, whatever, because we only live once (in this incarnation anyway.) If I can’t sweet talk my husband into going to a silly event in Hollywood, I call Eddie. Actually, it has gotten to the point where I don’t even really try asking Jason anymore. I know what the answer will be. He’s been friends with Eddie since junior high and can vouch for Eddie’s sense of adventure.
(In fact, it has been said that there is no way in hell that I could sweet talk Jason into going to a New Kids concert with me, but Eddie…? Well, not only would he go, he’d make it a point to have fun one way or another!)
So, when bad things happen to good guys, it’s…well…it’s just downright unfortunate.
All that story telling and I forgot one thing. (Well, that’s not true… I left out a whole bunch of stuff that my inner 15-year-old thought was totally pertinent and should be shared, but the woman in me realizes should be kept secret, close to my heart and brought to mind by the mere mention of the New Kids and Donnie in particular) (Hell, I’ve even left out the detail that I wasn’t a Donnie fan back in the day. Yep, he stole me during that hug in Las Vegas. What’s a girl to do?)
Anyway, there’s one more part of my story… Because I was able to sneak some footage at three of my four shows, I thought it might be fun to cut together my own little music video. It happens to be of Grown Man. The footage that’s closest to the stage is from Las Vegas. (I told you there were no superlatives that could accurately describe how freakin’ awesome of a time we had!) My best friend and fellow Babe of Us Three, was using my camera and I love her for it. It’s best to go directly to YouTube and watch the video in high quality. I swear Donnie sees us and winks in our direction a few times, but maybe that’s just my inner 15-year-old dreaming again…
My Loss of Immortality
All right, so for this concert, we teamed up with Wendy. Once upon a time when we were all thirteen, I’d shockingly coined the phrase “Us Three Babes” which we still use to this day. So, when us three babes headed to Las Vegas, we were certain to have a great time.
We had no idea that there’d be no superlative to accurately describe the time we were to have.
In fact, we had such a wonderful time that it’d take far too long to blog the entire thing, but suffice it to say that even when this post ends, the time got better that night and into the next morning. And the two shows in November were just as awesome although the fireworks were of a different kind.
Okay, by some strange miracle we ended up at the front of the line. We did not plan any of that. It just plain happened. I was standing right there by the curtain, nervous as hell, but I was dressed as Commando Barbie and she’s got her shit together. She’s not gonna act like a lunatic. She’s gonna be civilized and oh, so sweet-sexy-cool.
Standing there in front of the curtain, I turn to my friends and say, “Sorry girls, Donnie’s mine. I missed him last time, so I gotta get him this time.”
And get him I did.
When the guys were in the room and the curtain was pulled back so that we could go in, I went straight for Donnie…and something kinda funny happened.
See, Commando Barbie gets a lot of looks. While walking around Comic Con this year, she was even photographed by Hustler for their Hot Babes of Comic Con feature. And as the guys had walked in, the curtains were a little split and even according to Jen–who hears stuff when my ears turn off because my mind gets full–both Jordan and Joe said things to the effect of “Damn, did you see that girl? Wow.” and other things alluding to the fact that Commando Barbie’s got her shit together.
So, when it was time to go in and I went straight for Donnie and he grinned like a very, very happy man, it was as though the world stood still for a moment. Just a moment. Just the amount of time it took me to open my arms and walk into his for a hug just as my friend Gina had done a few days earlier.
Okay, this is when it got kind of strange for me…
He wrapped his arms around me so tight–like he seriously wasn’t gonna let go–and then lifted me off the ground.
So what did I do?
I did what any other girl would do if she was really inspired to live the dream:
And can I just say that I had a blast, too? Jen tells the story better than I do because being in the hug was one thing, watching it was completely different. Just like watching Gina get her hug, Jen watched me as Donnie spun in a circle all the while smiling and laughing just as I did. Good golly, I had such a fantastic little time for those five or ten seconds. It could’ve been forever as far as I was concerned. It was the time of my life.
I’d lost my immortality, but what’s more, I’d done it with quite an unexpected bang and that is one of the many reasons I love my life and the New Kids on the Block and all the crazy adventures I’ve been on because of them. I hope they never cease to inspire me and Jen without even trying.
And, seriously, I really hope I don’t die before meeting them again!
More and More
Technically, my first gig as an extra was in 1999 when I was in Jordan’s video. I was kinda in Joe’s video, too. But while I was accidentally in frame, I was hiding behind a tree. (I didn’t know they were rolling until it was too late!)
Anyway, since I’d only met Joe and Jordan and Jen had only met Joe, Jordan and Donnie, we’d figured we were still immortal since we couldn’t die until we’d met all the New Kids.
Silly, yeah, but we were fifteen when we’d made the pact. It doesn’t have to make complete sense in order to work.
Now, here we are in 2008, still following the New Kids’ whereabouts, although nowhere near as vigilant as we used to be. But then they got back together. We had opportunities to meet them. Really meet them. How awesome would it be? So awesome, I couldn’t wait to get us tickets. That was months ago. There was still a lot of distance between getting the tickets and actually being at the shows.
In fact, it took months before it actually sank in that we would meet the New Kids and thereby lose our immortality. Hmmm…
“Maybe we should back out.”
“No, we need to go. If only for our inner 15-year-olds.”
“It’s too incredible. I don’t think I could handle it.”
“We’ll be fine. How many celebrities have we met in the last decade?”
“But none of them were all five New Kids in the same room.”
“You’re right. What if we make asses of ourselves?”
“Let’s not go.”
“But we already have the tickets.”
“And we really wanna see the concerts. They’re awesome in concert.”
“Yeah, they are. I guess we have to go, then.”
“Do you really think there was any way that we wouldn’t go?”
“No, but that doesn’t stop the dread, the nerves, the fears.”
“And once we’ve met them, we can die.”
“That’s scary enough.”
This went on the whole week before the first two concerts. I stressed over what to wear. I still have my New Kids T-shirts and the jacket I’d put 250-hours-worth of rhinestones and chains on back in the day (Yes, it’s partially the New Kids’ fault that I’m so into sewing and beads.) but I wanted to wear something else. Something fun, yet casual. I settled on a funky pair of jeans, red ankle boots and a cute little slitted, low-cut top that tied in front. It was technically from back in the day, but I got it at a thrift store about a decade ago so it had never been to a New Kids concert with me.
I felt okay in that outfit, but that was all I was okay with. Our whole journey to the venue was spent in fear, lamenting, prepping for embarrassment or whatever other horrors should find us the moment our immortality was lost and we were in the same room with all five New Kids and actually–*gasp*–meeting them.
All in all, neither of us fell apart. I know I was awkward at times, but all that faded away when Jordan looked at me appreciatively and said, “Damn girl, you’re really workin’ that top.” (Special thanks to Jen for hearing him completely because I was lost in shock at “Damn girl” and didn’t hear the rest.) Basically, we’d survived…and gotten inspired, too.
And did I mention that technically, I was still immortal?
Jen had met them all that night, but me…well, something funny happened.
When I walked in, I was greeted by Danny. By the time we were done, I was about to go to Donnie, but my friend Gina was already headed for him, in fact she cut me off to get to him!
But that was totally okay. Over the last decade, she’d regaled us with story upon story of all the times she’d met all the guys–even Jonathan while innocently walking around Manhattan–except Donnie. Somehow, one way or another, she just never quite got to Donnie.
So when Donnie wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair, I was in heaven with the joy I was witnessing and figured that I’d get back to Donnie later. It wasn’t until I was out of the room that I’d realized I’d missed him.
My big chance and it completely passed me by. Oops. Jen made fun of me while I consoled myself with the fact that I still had three more chances, so therefore the odds were damn good that I wouldn’t screw up again.
In fact, since Jordan had slid me that compliment on my clothing and Jen had heard it, too, it was decided that since our next show was in Las Vegas, Commando Barbie absolutely needed to be in attendance. She has her shit together even though I don’t. She’s met celebrities. She even had her picture taken for Hustler. I may be a complete dork, but Commando Barbie, well, she wouldn’t screw up… Or would she?
A Little About Beginnings
Now that I’ve done over a hundred shows, it’s fun for me to look through all my Tales and reminisce. But there’s one in particular that I’ll never forget. And it’s not because of the show, it’s because of what happened when I was walking to the stage. West Wing.
That was one of the times it hit me the hardest that just walking on the lot was a dream come true. I’ve had a lot of mini adventures getting to and from locations on studio lots and elsewhere in LA, but that particular day was beautiful. I can still recall it with such amazing clarity. There was nothing special about the day, the show, or anything else. It was just the experience of being there.
Just. Being. There.
Would you believe that my best friend Jen and I practically dreaded meeting the New Kids our first time? You’d think we’d’ve seen it as a dream come true and been anxious for the day, the moment to finally arrive when we would be in the same room with all five guys.
We’d met Joe and Jordan when they were solo. She’d met Donnie at one of Joe’s concerts (through a strange twist of fate, I grabbed his ass in the very crowded VIP section at that same concert, but didn’t actually meet him). I’d only seen him on the set of Purgatory before that concert, before I was an extra, too…back when I was a manufacturer’s rep for lighting filters. Yeah, I’d gone through a lot of trouble not only to track down what he was working on, but find out who was doing the lighting. Cross-referencing a few sources and making a few phone calls, I found out when and where they were shooting some location stuff.
Granted, it was my job to know who was shooting what and what filters they had on their lights, but that had nothing to do with my reasons for trying to catch up with this particular show. I wanted to meet Donnie. I worked my ass off sweet talking various people and having a good time. While there, I saw hide nor hair of Donnie Wahlberg. I was disappointed, but since I’d made a new friend in the gaffer, I made sure to get invited back… Okay, so doling out swag was part of my job, not a bribe, I swear it.
Then in an attempt to match Jen’s future magical meeting of Donnie, I–unfortunately as fangirl–finally got my chance.
And blew it.
I couldn’t even squeak out a hello. All I did was smile. Donnie looked at me like I was deranged and I turned and kept on walking before any words could be exchanged, already having embarrassed myself enough for the day, the week, the millennium before I’d even started.
Luckily, our little interlude had a good twenty feet of aesthetic distance. I was safe. He’d never remember me.
But that did not mollify my fears during 2008. Jen is usually the better-spoken of us. I just hide behind her because I’m too shy and far too afraid of actually saying something unless I’m answering a question or agreeing with something that was said. Yeah, it sucks to be shy sometimes, but whatever. That’s me and I’ve learned to be okay with it. But when Jen says she’s afraid, she’s worried that her inner-15-year-old fangirl is gonna wreck the moment, I’m scared. I’m terrified.
We were utterly terrified to be meeting the New Kids even after all these years. We reminded ourselves that we’re adults and should act as such, but good golly that wasn’t helping when all we could think about were all those near-misses back in the day which lead to big disappointments. We only barely had our shit together when Joe and Jordan were touring solo.
[Funny I should mention that… The way I got onto the Purgatory set was the same way I got onto the set of Joe’s first video, Stay The Same…and the same way I got onto the set of Jordan’s first video, Give It To You–except it was all actually a little harder. And being shy, but still adventurous, I actually weaseled my way into Jordan’s video because the director had wished he’d hired more extras. So yeah, I took advantage of that opportunity and I’m behind the professional dancers, in a dark green shirt and I’ve got a light green balloon in my hand as I try not to look frozen while shaking my thang to the music.]
[You’d think Jen or at least myself would be totally okay in a room with the New Kids by now given all the adventures. You’d think we’d be looking forward to it and so excited to finally see them all.]
Did I mention that when we were fifteen, we’d also made a pact?
Yeah, we couldn’t die until we’d both met the New Kids.
But then they broke up in 1994 and we were kind of enjoying the immortality after awhile. It seemed more like as long as the New Kids were alive and we hadn’t met them all, we simply could not die. Not that we tested that theory, but we sure did feel like we’d be in for a very long life…that is unless we were somehow able to meet all the New Kids.
My Inner 15-year-old
Okay, so I’ve already come out of the closet and admitted that I’m a New Kids on the Block fan. Usually when I say that, jaws drop, confusion sets in, sideways looks are tossed toward me followed by, “What?” or “No way…”
Generally, my admission shatters people’s image of me. Well, sorry about that, but it’s the absolute truth. I’m fangirl for very few Hollywood personalities…well, hmmm…make that none others. Sure, there are a few people I’d love to be in the same room with, but for the most part, I don’t swoon or blush while around them. I’m capable of being an adult and perhaps even having an intelligent conversation with those whose work I admire.
My limited fangirl-ness has to do with the way my life is structured…or more accurately, how it unfolded.
The part of my life before I moved to LA in 1996 is when fangirl was alive and well. If the Hollywood-type came into my life after 1996, there’s no swoon. Before I moved, fangirl was, well, a fanatic and she didn’t get out much.
See, as a girl, I never imagined I’d come to LA. I never imagined I’d walk on a studio lot for reasons other than a tour. I never, ever in a million years imagined I’d actually work on a movie or television show. Really. Like, I still grin whenever I read the name of the production on my paychecks for background acting. Yeah, my inner 15-year-old still goes crazy. She had stars in her eyes and big dreams that she never imagined would come true.
Whenever I’m on the 101 heading south and I see the Capitol Records building and the rest of Hollywood, I grin. And when I see Downtown, I always thank my lucky stars that I made it to LA. That somehow, this little girl went somewhere. Where it is that I went still remains to be seen, but then again, I will be seen in movies and television shows for years and years to come–maybe even after I’ve died. I doubt I’ll be remembered by name unless this blog stays up somewhere, but that’s not the point. The point is that I was there and for that I’m so thrilled.
So, when I say that I’m a New Kids on the Block fan, I really mean it. I’m fangirl. When I’m in a room with the guys, my heart beats a million times a minute. I get weak in the knees. All that crazy stuff. And since I’m only fangirl for them, I can put all my focus, all my energy into it.
This past October and November I was lucky enough to get tickets and Meet & Greet passes for 4 shows. Yeah, four. That ties a record from back-in-the-day as well. 1 in 1989, 2 in 1990, 4 in 1991 and 2 in 1994. (And back in the day, that meant saving allowance, extra chores and begging parents to drive us to the shows…I dunno how we did it. I only drove myself to my last show.) Anyhow, because my situation has changed, I figured I’d make up for all the lost time, all the near-misses, by going to as many shows as I could. Yeah, 9 concerts in 5 years and I still hadn’t met the guys. WTF?
Can we say karma in action? Hell yeah.
Come with me on this little journey. I’ll try not to be long-winded, but my inner 15-year-old is going to ramble and I just can’t help it.
Happy Monday!
Just as I was silly on Friday, so shall I be today… except the pic isn’t as funny.
Back in February or so, my husband had brought home the office still camera so that I could use it for a few things. Well, I used it, downloaded all the images to a folder and forgot about it.
…Until the other day when I started wondering whatever happened to those pictures I’d taken…
Just finding the folder was an adventure and once I got it open, I found about ten extraneous images that I’m guessing my husband must’ve snapped because I certainly didn’t remember them. The following is the pick of the bunch:
This is one of my five turtles. We named him Barge because when we first put him in the tank, he just sort of floated there while the other turtles smacked into him, wondering if he was friend or food. Eventually, he started swimming and frolicking as all turtles are wont to do, but it was too late. The name had stuck.
Happy Friday!
I love Fridays. I do mini-celebrations including wearing silly clothes, drinking exceptionally snooty tea, driving my Viper to the grocery store, sharing an apple with my desert tortoise…all sorts of fun little things.
I’m not sure if the following picture was taken on a Friday, but I’m guessing it was. My clothes are a little on the silly side and I appear to be in a good mood out to dinner with my best friend Eddie. My husband had picked up my phone and started snapping pictures for no apparent reason.
I married into friendship with Eddie and for that I’m quite thankful. He and my husband Jason have been friends since junior high just like I’ve been best friends with Jen (the other half of Ashleigh Raine) since eighth grade.