The Guardian
This was my first official gig as an extra. I had no idea what to expect.
I reported to Sony Studios in Culver City almost an hour early in order to pass security and then find the correct soundstage. From there, I met a guy who must have somehow known I was a newbie. He was working as a stand-in as well as an extra. I was one of maybe 3 non-union extras. Everyone else was in SAG and I felt a little intimidated.
It was on this set that I learned that it’s very necessary to bring a book as the hours can be quite long and boring. Luckily, I did have a small notebook and pen with me and I scribbled until I could no longer see straight. For a first gig, it actually wasn’t half bad–a fair smattering of the best and worst scenarios. I was there for fifteen hours.
The following is an excerpt from an email I’d written the day after the gig: [Note: I watched the episode and didn’t see myself at all.]
I play a bum-like client of the legal firm on the show. You’ll recognize me in the background in that big beige jacket that my dad tried to discourage me from getting and my favorite ratty teal/navy blue/green plaid flannel shirt. Yeah, the costumer loved me–I didn’t quite look homeless and I had the right wardrobe for Philadelphia winter weather. Most of the extras on that show were union so I pumped them for as much information as possible. Actually, all the union players on that show were regulars on it as well.
There’s a scene in one lawyer’s office where the door is open and I’m standing there for nearly the whole time. I was trying not to laugh because the guy who was working with me kept drawing pictures, writing funny notes and saying some of the most off the wall stuff as well as bringing me this wad of fake hair. It was really a lot of fun and I hope that they were doing a close-up the one time that I actually did smile and nearly crack up. It was a hoot!
Thankfully, I never did completely crack up and during that one shot where even biting my lip couldn’t stop my smile, they were doing a close-up, and I couldn’t be seen at all.
Whew! As far as antics, this was also one of my favorite gigs. Between the tic-tac-toe game, smiley faces and that silly wad of fake hair, I have yet to have another experience that nearly had me laughing out loud.