Shifting Gears
Wow. I titled this post “shifting gears” and I’m not even gonna mention car stuff. What is this world coming to?
Anyhow, I just wanted to post about how I’m adding to my plate… I’m making stuff.
How is this different from normal?
I’m selling it, too.
Yeah, that’s why the big banner across the top. I have simply got to clean out my sewing room. It’s bad in there. I love my mess, but if I don’t make a bunch of stuff or sell off what I have, I don’t have the room to collect more and my need to hunt and gather and build is stronger than my need to store.
See how bad it has gotten:
Every nook and cranny from floor to ceiling is full. Under the table: full. Drawers: full. Closet: full. And yes, see those spools of thread on the right near the center of the picture?: Floor to ceiling, every peg is full and there are a few in between just resting on their neighbors. And each spool is a different color. I put the duplicates in a separate box hidden under the counter.
I’ve opened two stores. One as RinaSlayter at Etsy. And one as TwilightsFancy at ArtFire. Why two names? Because I didn’t think I was really gonna be in this for the long haul. I was gonna off a few things and be done with it. But now I’m addicted.
Plus, those of you who might remember my Twilight’s Fancy necklaces…well, they’re coming back. I am still gearing up to get those listed. They take a little more time than some of my other stuff, but they’re worth the wait. Good ol’ Twyla from theĀ Talisman Bay Series by Ashleigh Raine is still making necklaces. Oh hell yes, she is.
In fact, right now, she’s making ribbon choker necklaces with some of her beads (all those trays next to the thread spools). I swear she’s addicted.
I’m also making purses. A few months back, Jen calls me up because she was heading to my place so that we could go to a New Kids on the Block concert. I was making a bunch of noise in the background:
Jen: What is all that noise?
Me: I’m making purses for us to take to the show tonight.
Jen: You’re making purses. Okay.
Me: Yeah, it takes you about an hour to get here, I needed a purse for tonight, so while you’re on your way, I’m gonna make ones for both of us just ’cause I can.
Jen: Oooooookay. (She understands and doesn’t think this is strange in the slightest, of course.)
Me: Yeah, when you get here you can decide which one you want because they both go with what I’m wearing.
Jen: Sure. See you in an hour.
I’m still using that purse I made. It’s one of my primaries. I love it to pieces. So simple, yet so handy. I’ve made a whole bunch more using that same pattern, different material and different trim.
I’m gonna go see what else I can build. Today being a Friday, I’m trying to spice things up a little. So far, the grassy green tea has helped, but I need to build something. I’m itchin’ to make another signature Twilight’s Fancy necklace…the beaded kind with more than three dangles. Yeah, one of those.