Off The Cuff Today…’Cause it’s Friday!
My parents were down this week. We went to some fun places, did some fun things that I wouldn’t’ve done had they not visited. That’s always nice.
But I think the best part was up in my home theater, on a 127″ screen, I logged in to Second Life to show my parents what the hell I was talking about. My hubby and I had tried to describe it to them, even showed them last Christmas on a laptop, but they still didn’t understand its usefulness, it’s mystique, none of that.
Then, larger than life, I showed my dad the Sistine Chapel on the Vassar sim. The first thing he said was, “Wow! The floor! I don’t think I’ve ever seen the floor! I’ve seen hundreds, even thousands of pictures of the Sistine Chapel, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen the floor! Wow!”
To which I replied, “Watch this!” and flew my camera up to the ceiling and along the walls.
Needless to say, he was hooked and is likely ordering either a new computer or necessary upgrades for the machine he has now as I write this…
We also walked around the Dresden for a little bit. That was cool, too.
He says Second Life is like an internet that you can walk around in and experience rather than just look at or read. I like to think he’s absolutely right.
That’s why if you go to Book Island and Publisher Island, you’ll see a lot of booths set up, but only one is more like an experience. It’s got a big castle on the front and hides a room from Otherness: Rift. Seeing it in Second Life made it real for me…a real experience rather than a written one. But, it’s also meaningless unless you’ve read the book. It’s neat and all to look at, but it doesn’t resonate unless you know that this room had been sealed up, untouched, for over a century and once reopened, had so much more to discover.
But I’m just getting started in Second Life. One of these days, I’ll get advanced enough that I put Talisman Bay (still nothing I can link to on the Ashleigh Raine site, but there will be very, very soon!) in world. Now that would truly kick ass!!!! (I’ll have to figure out how to get all of the Shadow Walkers on patrol every day. But good golly, that’d be soooooooo worth the effort!!!!!)