Boomtown Tale update!
After hunting frame after frame through Boomtown, I collected three where I’m clearly visible. There may have been a few others, but I blinked and missed them…
About a month ago, I went on a rampage, searching through all of my DVDs to find the ones I’d worked on, but had yet to hunt for screen captures. I pulled out Lords of Dogtown, Smokin’ Aces, 13 Going on 30 and Serenity (for goodness sake!), and put them in a pile next to the collection so that all I had to do was pop them in my computer, go to the scene(s) I was in and snap some captures.
Of course, that pile is still collecting dust.
However, also around this time, I updated my Netflix cue with all the shows I was on but didn’t have captures for. Let me just say that it’s a damn good thing I can’t get another DVD until I send back the ones I have! That is how I was forced (yeah, my arm was twisted, it was so horrible to have to find some time to watch some entertainment rather than building in Second Life or answering email or writing another scene…just horrible) to gather up these captures.
So horrible, I’ll likely blow the dust off that stack of DVDs real soon so I can post some new screen captures (of course, only if there’s a frame or two of me that isn’t on the cutting room floor).