My Loss of Immortality
All right, so for this concert, we teamed up with Wendy. Once upon a time when we were all thirteen, I’d shockingly coined the phrase “Us Three Babes” which we still use to this day. So, when us three babes headed to Las Vegas, we were certain to have a great time.
We had no idea that there’d be no superlative to accurately describe the time we were to have.
In fact, we had such a wonderful time that it’d take far too long to blog the entire thing, but suffice it to say that even when this post ends, the time got better that night and into the next morning. And the two shows in November were just as awesome although the fireworks were of a different kind.
Okay, by some strange miracle we ended up at the front of the line. We did not plan any of that. It just plain happened. I was standing right there by the curtain, nervous as hell, but I was dressed as Commando Barbie and she’s got her shit together. She’s not gonna act like a lunatic. She’s gonna be civilized and oh, so sweet-sexy-cool.
Standing there in front of the curtain, I turn to my friends and say, “Sorry girls, Donnie’s mine. I missed him last time, so I gotta get him this time.”
And get him I did.
When the guys were in the room and the curtain was pulled back so that we could go in, I went straight for Donnie…and something kinda funny happened.
See, Commando Barbie gets a lot of looks. While walking around Comic Con this year, she was even photographed by Hustler for their Hot Babes of Comic Con feature. And as the guys had walked in, the curtains were a little split and even according to Jen–who hears stuff when my ears turn off because my mind gets full–both Jordan and Joe said things to the effect of “Damn, did you see that girl? Wow.” and other things alluding to the fact that Commando Barbie’s got her shit together.
So, when it was time to go in and I went straight for Donnie and he grinned like a very, very happy man, it was as though the world stood still for a moment. Just a moment. Just the amount of time it took me to open my arms and walk into his for a hug just as my friend Gina had done a few days earlier.
Okay, this is when it got kind of strange for me…
He wrapped his arms around me so tight–like he seriously wasn’t gonna let go–and then lifted me off the ground.
So what did I do?
I did what any other girl would do if she was really inspired to live the dream:
And can I just say that I had a blast, too? Jen tells the story better than I do because being in the hug was one thing, watching it was completely different. Just like watching Gina get her hug, Jen watched me as Donnie spun in a circle all the while smiling and laughing just as I did. Good golly, I had such a fantastic little time for those five or ten seconds. It could’ve been forever as far as I was concerned. It was the time of my life.
I’d lost my immortality, but what’s more, I’d done it with quite an unexpected bang and that is one of the many reasons I love my life and the New Kids on the Block and all the crazy adventures I’ve been on because of them. I hope they never cease to inspire me and Jen without even trying.
And, seriously, I really hope I don’t die before meeting them again!