Goofing off with a doll picture
While working on a different project, I got inspired to mess with one of my doll pictures. I’d taken the photograph as part of a “before” picture because underneath her dress, she’s got some very serious problems that need to be fixed. I guess it’s because the girl’s so cute or maybe because the picture was just there when I needed it. I don’t know, but I like to think I made something sweet out of it.
When I’m further along on the project, I’ll post the real “before” images as well as progress on fixing all the torn leather. A previous owner had put cotton balls instead of sawdust in her kid body and just the thought of that irritates me. Old rags from 1900, okay maybe, but not cotton balls. That’s just plain wrong. In my opinion, antique dolls need to have either antique repairs or period-appropriate repairs if they must be modern.