Ghost Hunting
I know I haven’t directly mentioned it on my blog–and I’m actually kinda surprised by that–but I’ve always believed in ghosts. Ever since I was a little girl. My earliest ghost-related memory is when I was about 6 years old, maybe, but that was just the biggest memory. The earlier ones are smaller, somewhat less significant as far as actual concrete instances. Their only significance is that they happened and a conclusion can be drawn from them collectively.
Anyhow, I have always been interested in paranormal activity and always believed that I’m psychic (might wanna get out the jacket and prep the padded room for me). So, when a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go to a ghost hunt on the Queen Mary, I did not hesitate.
But wait. Before I get to that, let me give a little general back story. I’ll add more later in the form of experiences.
When I was little, I used my psychic ability to have ‘friends’ if you will. They were not imaginary. They came and went. My grandfather died shortly before my fifth birthday. He was the most awesomest grandpa on the planet if I do say so myself. Yes, I still remember him even though I was so young. That’s how awesome he was. He cared about everyone and had tons of energy. Anyway, after he passed away, it seemed as though he never really left me. No matter where I was, I could call him and he’d be there if I needed him–even if I didn’t, sometimes he showed up, too! As I got older, he faded somewhat, but he still stops by from time to time. He came from a very big family, so he’s got a lot of people to look in on.
As I got older, I started to sense more clearly. Yeah, grandpa was around, but so were a lot of other people I didn’t know. Some wanted to talk, some didn’t. Some were confused, some weren’t.
Then, I started working in theatres.
Every theatre has a ghost. I swear it. Usually more than one, but there’s always at least one that’s active. As you can imagine, for someone as sensitive as I am, spending a lot of long hours in the dark can get pretty creepy. There were times I was working late at night, behind locked doors, heard things, saw things, etc. I started to explore some of it as well as researching. If you read my novel, Otherness: Rift, I incorporated a lot of personal paranormal experiences to suit the story. But, after all the time spent in theatres, I started to become too sensitive. Too many ghosts were trying to communicate with me.
I had to find a way of turning it off.
It can’t be. I’ve tried. All I can do is ignore it. But I can always tell when I walk into a haunted building or room or if a ghost arrives in the room where I am. It’s just another weird thing about me. I don’t talk about it much. I’m weird enough already! I don’t need to start yammering about my ghost experiences, too.
Okay, well, maybe that’s true, but not entirely. This whole post has come about because of the ghost hunt I mentioned in the first few paragraphs. And because of the ghost hunt, I’m back to my old ways, back to allowing myself to use a higher sensitivity and all the craziness that comes with it. Yes, my time on the Queen Mary, listening to lectures and sitting in the dark with people with K-II meters and voice recorders has inspired me to embrace my …uh… “gift” once again. I’m not crazy. I’m just psychic.
I didn’t get pictures of everyone involved. I didn’t know what to expect, so this time was sort of practice for future hunts. The event was put on by David Schrader and Tim Dennis of And I’ve been essentially living under a rock for the last decade or so because I have not watched television. I do not have cable. The only television I see is on DVD or if I’m at my writing partner’s (Jen) house and she just ‘has’ to show me something.
I have not seen Ghost Hunters, Dead Famous or Haunting Evidence. But these were the guys headlining the event on the Queen Mary. I knew who the people were (well, I’d heard of them at least), but I hadn’t watched their shows except for a couple episodes of Ghost Hunters because Jen has a thing for Grant Wilson and ghosts, too for that matter! I went into the event knowing there’d be lectures as well as a 4 hour ghost hunt.
I had the time of my life. In fact, it was sort of life changing…well, life restoring for me. I got to be in a room with a few hundred other people who believe in the paranormal and don’t think I’m crazy when I share my experiences. To me, that’s freakin’ awesome.
The folder of pictures I took during those few days is a bit daunting to look through. I didn’t get any photographic evidence of anything, but I did want to share a few here on my blog. So, without further yammering, here’s Denise and I with Grant and Jason.
This next one has a little story attached to it. Earlier in the day, David was about to announce the next speaker when he got a call on his cell phone. It was Patrick Burns, asking if anyone had a Nikon camera with them. Well, I did, so I raised my hand and he put me in touch with Patrick. Apparently, something bad had happened to his lens and he needed to take some IR photos for some lovely ladies who’d won an auction for a photo session with him and the ship. We determined that I had the same camera as he did, so I walked down there and handed over my lens. He brought it back about an hour later. The following picture was taken through that very same lens! He thanked me profusely as you can tell. He’s a really great guy. Really, really super awesome.
The whole experience is still sinking in. Honestly, though, even without a whole lot of physical activity, the responses on the K-II meter and what I learned in the lectures and people I met were awesome. I’ll definitely do another one of these. My new K-II meter is probably being shipped as I write this, too! I’m looking forward to reviewing all of the HD video footage I took, too. I didn’t know it until about 10 minutes before the hunt, but my camera has night vision! I was so stoked to see what I’d get. If I got anything good, I’ll post it, I promise.