Verbally Sparring with Graham Joyce
I’m still reeling from the experience. He was one of the World Fantasy Convention’s guests of honor, for goodness sake, but that didn’t stop me. No siree.
As part of a giant group, Jason and I were invited out to dinner and drinks. When I sat down, I was between Jeremy of Night Shade Books and Jason, with Graham Joyce and other important people at the table behind me. I was in awe of being invited let alone being there and not told to go sit at the kiddy table because I wasn’t allowed with all the grown-ups.
Anyhow, deep in conversation with Jeremy, the next thing I know, he brings Graham into the conversation.
Now, I’ve seen the guy at a few panels during the convention, know that he’s the guest of honor, read some of the blurbage in the program, but honestly, I’d yet to discover his books and had already planned to go home and purchase one or two.
But when Graham–guest of honor and incredible writer extraordinaire–tells me that he doesn’t think women should write naughty books or have naughty thoughts, I’m sorry, but I gotta say a thing or two about that. (Plus, the sparkle in his eye had me thinking that he was game for a good spar.) We shared a few exchanges in good fun and then Jeremy rescued me. Whew! (Quite honestly, I think I might have accidentally won the sparring somehow, but that wasn’t my intention. A good spar is hard to come by no matter what the topic and who the opponent.)
That was a wonderful, exhillerating little experience for me, but I hope I didn’t piss anyone off. I mean, the genesis of the whole conversation was erotic romance and all the involved parties were married–most with his or her spouse sitting one chair away–but some people get touchy when talking about sex. Funny how in fiction, you can murder millions, but throw in some sex and everything’s in an uproar. I suppose I’ll never understand.
Afterward, Jeremy asked me if I knew who Graham was and if I’d spoken with him before. Yep and nope. I take people at face value. Character or not, if you’re going to smile and joke with me, I’m gonna smile and joke right back. It’s really that simple. I don’t care who you are.
I’m lousy at kissing up.
Truthfully, I once had a job where during my review it was requested that I socialize more, and there was an underlying impression that “socializing” meant “ass kissing”.
I was laid off a few months later. Oh darn. If I weren’t writing, I might miss that job. Hmmm…actually–the job: yes, the people: hell no.
Stay tuned for more adventures. I need to find my notes…
In the mean time, it’s very good to be back home.