My first movie premiere
So, while during a signing at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, I was offered tickets to go to the premiere of Doom. The other half of Ashleigh Raine can’t make it and neither can my hubby Jason, so I’m relegated to go with his best friend Eddie.
That much I’m excited about.
The torrential rain attacking LA right now…
Not so excited about it.
Then again, when I’m involved, anything is possible. I’m still gonna go and do my best to have a great time.
But I know that for the most part because of the rain this adventure’s going to be one of those stories that starts with, “Yeah, well the first premiere I ever went to–it was raining cats and dogs so I wore vinyl pants, tall vinyl boots and…”
Who knows? Could be better. Could be worse. I’ll bet there’ll definitely be a story in it, though.