Changing my mind
So, I’m still not done editing SR. It’s getting tighter, happier, yummier and I’m still loving it despite that it seems like I’ve been working on it for an eternity.
I’d assumed that OR would be up for editing next while I do all my crazy backstory research for O2, but then I got a better idea. A much more fun idea. One I can’t ignore.
I really can’t get it out of my head. It keeps getting better and more fun every time I think about it, too.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to write it yet. The research is already done. I just need to cull and hone and come up with a decent plot. I think I’ve got an idea about at least the hero and heroine, but they aren’t cemented yet.
I love how stuff hits me when I least expect–nor truly want–it. Oh well. I suppose that’s the price I pay for being a writer.
Hell, SR came out of a poignant moment in time and sustained me for over 100K words. This next one came out of several long moments so therefore it should sustain me for far longer…
It’s a series. Definitely a series.
Now if I could just come up with a way to make it work.
In the mean time, OR and O2 get to languish in a proverbial drawer for a later time. Big deal. They’re timeless and I can always go back to them.