Grandma’s Boy
It’s either called ‘Nana’s Boy’, ‘Mama’s Boy’ or ‘Grandma’s Boy’. I have no idea why it had three names or what name it’ll actually come out under. Adam Sandler produced it, but was not there. [which for me was kind of a good thing seeing as how years earlier while being a seatfiller, I tripped and landed in his lap…yes, my forehead, his hip]
I was a patron in a vegan restaurant. I wore very comfy, natural fabrics and my silly blue Indian slippers. This was one of the most comfortable costumes I’ve ever worn…except that my happy shoes gave me blisters, but I overlooked those because the experience was nice.
It was the last day of principle photography and a general happiness was in the air. I spent a lot of time in holding, reading a book that must not have been all that great because I genuinely don’t remember it. But when I went into the restaurant they’d set up and was seated next to the pan flute player, I started to enjoy the gig.
I was across from a fellow who was supposed to be a stand-in, but due to his spiky hair, piercings, tatoos and happy-gay attitude, they put him in the scene and gave him a nice lady for a date. My ‘date’ turned out to be a funky, short-haired chick-a-dee who came up with the idea that we were roomies…very close roomies. I soooo went along with it and we held hands through part of the scene.
The prop guy came by and gave us all pretty glasses and then a choice of drinks. There were some wild berry ones and fruity ones and I simply opted for water. That was the only liquid I knew I could drink on camera without the possibility of spitting it all over the wheatgrass centerpiece. Then, a plate of snap peas was set next to me.
I’d never eaten them before. I didn’t know how… Were they like edamame where you eat the beans, not the husk? Was I supposed to just dive on in and shove the whole pod in my mouth? Dammit, why did the plate have to land next to me? It made me nervous, but I didn’t say anything…yet.
We did the first take, pretending to eat our food and miming fabulous conversation with all four of us involved commenting on how delicious the food was and passing around the dish of snap peas–which I was thankful to hand over…except that my ‘roomie’ handed it back and no one else wanted peas. Oh the horror…the terrible plate of questionable food was now being commented about–with my roomie suggesting I try one! Good golly, I was terrified!
But just as I daintily picked one up, the word “CUT!” was shouted and I breathed a sigh of relief. The prop guy came back to refill a few drinks and add a couple more snap peas to the plate.
And then I met the star of the scene.
See, this movie has a million cameos. I was in one where the main characters go into this vegan restaurant, piss off the waiter and then leave without having eaten.
The waiter…David Spade.
He walked up to me and asked, “Are those real?”
I was a little more stunned than I would normally be when a principle actor actually speaks to an extra. Thankfully, my roomie was more attentive… “Yeah, they’re great. Try some!” She encouraged him by biting into a snap pea.
He was inquiring about the snap peas. What did you think he was asking about?!?!?
We all had a good laugh and I learned that snap peas could be eaten whole or just the peas. I also learned that David Spade really is great and is very easy to smile. I like that a lot in people.
During the next shot, the camera was going to be where my table was, so I went to holding…not the holding where my book was, but the holding right next to the set–where the producers had rented a chocolate fountain in early celebration of wrapping that night.
Yes…chocolate fountain…with strawberries, bananas, rice krispy treats, marshmallows and various other goodies ready to be dipped and eaten. Yum yum yum yum yum.
Another hour or two went by and then we all got to go home. I got paid to learn how to eat snap peas and dip yummies in chocolate. Now you understand why my blisters didn’t matter by the time I signed out.